No Piercing Hits by Arrows?

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    • So, being a ninety-one level archer, I noticed that firstly, the arrow resisted seamlessly the sparkle damage damage, and that the arcs were unable to make piercing hits. Is this normal and desired? Because all weapons can make and again the strength of the archers is reduced while other people are happy to find arcs to put on their precious stoles

      Edit : Fail of plug-ing google translate

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Strijelac ().

    • Strijelac wrote:

      Donc, étant un archer de noyaux et un niveau, j'ai remarqué que, d'une part, la flèche résistait parfaitement aux dommages causés par les dommages causés par l'étincelle et que les arcs n'étaient pas capables de faire des coups de piercing. Est-ce normal et souhaité? Parce que toutes les armes peuvent faire et encore la force des archers est réduite tandis que d' autres sont heureux de trouver des arcs pour mettre sur leurs étoles précieuses

      I don't know what is happening with these piercing hits, they are too powerful and can't be dealt by bow-users it seems...
    • Spark wrote:

      The piercing hit is actually crazy strong. If an archer starts to piercing hit your from far, when you get close it him he probably had 4-6 piercing hits on you and you're dead already.

      You must be kidding.

      Do NOT forget the considerable significance of Piercing Hits related to transforming into a monster with a polymorph marble, while wearing a bow: this is the main way for an archer to collect experience points and/or to help his own guild into dealing damage to bosses for group dungeons.

      Transformation is really important to a ninja, considering the lack of any auto-buff skill giving attack value. Many bosses actually suffer piercing hits very much: if archers are kicked out of the chance of dealing piercing hits, that'd be a SEVERE weakening.

      As for PvP, it is just not right to give the chance of dealing piercings hits to some classes only - not to mention that you're giving this opportunity to classes which already have considerable power-up skills, such as Warriors or Lykans.

      EDIT: not to mention that physical classes target archers quite easily in GvG. Once a warrior reaches an archer, he "traps" him with rapid sword hits (by using auto attack, for instance). Since flinging an arrow requires more time when compared to swinging a sword/dagger/claw, I guess that the occurence of piercing hits is still favorable to physical classes.

      Yet, it's true that an archer keeping his distance may deal too severe damages.

      All in all, I think you should basically abandon this new concept of piercing hit, as it is basically exaggerated.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by BlueShade ().

    • It is not complicated: If you think that the ph is too strong with the arc you just need to reduce its effectiveness as it was done for the anti magic for example, there you make useless a very powerful bonus, More personally I have ph on my bow so I do what now? I throw it away? This revalorization of the ph is as it was said above, exaggerated.

      Did you think about the assassins? The daggers type very quickly in a certain way it is also cheaté also for melee:

      Even if an archer strikes hard in ph with the distance it is an asset for him because: it is an archer, the other classes will always find the means to defend itself it is totally unjust to deprive us of a bonus.

      Personally I think it's the biggest nerve ever made on this MMO and it makes no sense.
    • For long, piercing was one of the most important bonuses of an archer. I'm playing only as archer ninja for 8 years by now and I can tell that every high level archer will seek for this bonus. Most of the equipment is chosen like this, I use heavens tear necklace and bracelet even if there are plenty of other choices just for this reason, to increase the piercing and critical chances. We look for pierching bonuses on our weapons or the weapons we put on a sash for the same reason.

      And now you tell us that it might be the archers won't benefit from piercing cause it's too strong? Is this a joke or what? Yes we hit from a distance...that's why we have cooldowns of 60 and 25 secs right? That's why we could not evade if riding. That's why we lvl up so hard and there are so few archers compared to other clasees. Now you're thinking about taking piercing hit away? What we gonna do with the necklaces? Throw them away and buy or craft others? Is this normal?

      And yes on beta I had no piecing hit, I even hit less than on the official (live) server. There I had hits damage of up to 17k, on beta I had maximum 6-7k but mostly 4k. Ok on beta could be players with better defences due to the easyness to make excellent alchemy and change bonuses but still...

      If piecing hit is so powerfull, lower the damage, but taking it out completely from a class is not fair especially when you turn expensive and valuable pieces of equipment into crap.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Rapier ().