Calm Beginner

  • Member since Jul 13th 2017
Last Activity

Dear players,

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Thank you for being a part of this!

  • Law G -

    صباح الخير ، كنت بسألك عن شي وعرفته وعدلت كلامي

  • MiranBey -

    selam betayı nasıl indirecez

  • dutamir97 -

    if not copy caracater can enter on account?

  • dutamir97 -

    i am in only beta client , i loghin accont but not is my accont on UK , need create new caracter but when try create and put name write this caracter not can be create i try x 100 , why? , thanks much

  • dutamir97 -

    hey , i copy my accont last 3 days new when enter need create caracter and don t can

    • Calm -

      *Make sure you copied your character.
      *Make sure that your live server is not merging some servers at the moment.
      *Wait till monday.

  • tonialex -

    hi brò