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  • Class defenses

    ATV - - Bugs


    Hi all, I made some tests with class defenses yesterday, because in PvP I have received 20k DMG from ninja skill (I got 103 ninja resistance, 52 skill resistance, 0 dagger/arrow). I've noticed that bonus strong against x class subtracts the x class defense. For example if I have 103 ninja defense then ninja with 0% strong against lycan make no DMG. Every % strong against lycan is not only a push against lycan class but also subtracts the Ninja defense.

  • Dont ruin lykan

    ATV - - Archive


    @unforgiven. Do you have some new information about purple attack value?

  • The new Zodiac EQ (+9/+200, stats, etc.)

    ATV - - Archive


    Cool. Who still will use old armor (105lv)? It seems like all equipment lose their value.

  • Dont ruin lykan

    ATV - - Archive


    Quote from unforgiven: “Saying that is a waste of time is an overstatement. If it would be a waste of time there wouldn't be any other chance to the class but there were some changes in between. The Duration of the skill was increased for example. I am still in conversations with WebZen regarding the attack value but currently there are no news. You need to understand that feedback is important but that doesn't mean that it will materialize. This can happen but it might also not happen. ” Sorry,…

  • Dont ruin lykan

    ATV - - Archive


    Quote from Apollykan: “lykans being a OP pvp characther is just a urban legend create by people without claw or defense shield. and in pve/ with was a good charaxther killing bosses and metins on the mount but pve off the mount is useless so its balanced.. we gave our feedback but its useless.. The true OP characther is Shamans cure in pvp and in pve is still weapon sura, dont see any reason to nerf lykans like this, its really unfair to the players who invested in lykans ” We write 17 pages wit…

  • If I can switch lycan to any other class like wp or body I will make it even right now. Why I don't do this? Because I have excellent/brilliant alchemy and a lot of lycan eq +9 with defense etc. Just give something to 100% successfully remove alchemy and u will see how much lycan stays. Just be seriously u can't make lycan the weakest class, with broken hits from ground and 55s duration skill time. If u reduce then reduce EVERY CLASS, not only the skills with dmg but also skills another class wi…

  • In my opinion chganging wolf's atack value is't fair. I agree that lycan can make the bigest dmg, but only using eq with INT. As lot o people say : - lycan is realy weak on the ground. - lycan have to change eq during switching on the skill. When body will be stronger than lycan (or equal), can make realy great work from ground and don't have to switch eq every 55s then who will play lycan ? Sura Wp jus't can't make the same DMG because has more DEF, 37% reduction opponent attack, and 12% hp abs…

  • Dont ruin lykan

    ATV - - Archive


    I thing something is wrong i heave 15 % arrow's 35 skil's defence and 10% ninja defence - archer make dmg about 15k. I whit my wolf can make 10k. WHIT wolf soul. Dragon's Aid and blessing are not working at all, almost nothing works and we should test something ? HOW ?

  • Dont ruin lykan

    ATV - - Archive


    55 skil duration, 563 dmg... that's realy "small nerf". I understend that you remove piercing, and splash dmg but WHY you add splash to another classes ? Right now lycan is useless. Thx for balancing.

  • Why Shaman class has TWO weapons?

    ATV - - Archive


    At the beginning: I'm play licans class. But I think the decision to make the new weapons only from two handed weapons is not fair, because 2handed swords can't have 2x HH. Every each class can make it except warior -thats not right.

  • Sash's with weapon 105lv +9

    ATV - - Archive


    I know and that the reason why I wrote this thread, to take together the opinion of the players and let see the people which taking decision whot we thinking ( thats the reason why the beta and forum exist).

  • Sash's with weapon 105lv +9

    ATV - - Archive


    Quote from Rapier: “ATV, although you have some logic, unfortunately there is something else that you must understand/accept. Game IS evolving. Your existing Sash will remain good, it's bonuses won't be changed, you'll deal the same amount of damage with it regardless of the new weapon. Just it won't be the "ultimate" Sash, it will be another one better than yours. "What is valuable remains valuable" is still true. Your damage won't be decreased, it'll be just another item that will be better th…

  • Sash's with weapon 105lv +9

    ATV - - Archive


    I don't agree whit you... for me it's like adding new level in exelent alchemy, but whiteout chance to positive removing... if you want upgrade it, you have to make new stone and the old one you can only keep as souvenir or reject... I can understand if that bow will be really new weapon, which you can get from bosses for example, but in this situation its a extended version of the phoenix.

  • Sash's with weapon 105lv +9

    ATV - - Archive


    while ago somebody has showed a new two handed weapon : 20% half human's and 8% monster's and about 100dmg more... so it means if somebody just buy a phoenix bow whiteout 10% half human's, upgrade it to new weapon, upp to +9 and put in to the sash he will have the same % half human's, more monster's ans more dmg... As I sad before the old sash will be useless! When I have more time I will make the new bow, put into the sash and test the dmg different. Of course the results I wil write in this th…

  • Problems with the copy of my character

    ATV - - Archive


    You should probably wait until next maintenance. Then your character will be copy on the beta server

  • Can not log in to the game

    ATV - - Archive


    Did you add your country code at the end of your ID for example "_en"? I copy my account yesterday since 18:00 and I can log on, but my account was empty (until maintenance obviously). In case when you became information account name/password incorrect I'm sure that you writing something wrong.

  • Sash's with weapon 105lv +9

    ATV - - Archive


    Quote from hugoW: “Quote from ATV: “To be clear, I'm not talking about % absorption of the sash. And realy ? new sash ? delete bonuses !? When i was putting the bow into the sash, phoenix bow was the best weapon ( and until 17.4 still is). Why im say it will be useless? Becouse of new bow which surely will have more dmg. I'm sure, that every owner of similar sash will not be happy from existence more powerful bow. I consider it will be fair give possibility recover the bow (no, not clear the bon…

  • Sash's with weapon 105lv +9

    ATV - - Archive


    To be clear, I'm not talking about % absorption of the sash. And realy ? new sash ? delete bonuses !? When i was putting the bow into the sash, phoenix bow was the best weapon ( and until 17.4 still is). Why im say it will be useless? Becouse of new bow which surely will have more dmg. I'm sure, that every owner of similar sash will not be happy from existence more powerful bow. I consider it will be fair give possibility recover the bow (no, not clear the bonuses) then I can upgrade it to the n…

  • Sash's with weapon 105lv +9

    ATV - - Archive


    Hello everyone, I (like 80% players i guess) have a sash whit Phoenix bow +9 2x half Humman's etc... Now when new weapon will be added this item will be useless. According to the interview, position of GF was : '" what was good, hev to be good". I hope player's become possibility to remove that weapons and upgrade. I ask everyone to support my post, becouse it's not fair weakening the best item's in the game... It was be also nice,when somebody from team expressed his opinion.