jeroenado wrote:
Yes, although this 'massive' attack value from crimson, it gives the damage that lycans NEED in order to be competitive with the others. If you think that the side effects are too exaggerated, then tell me; Why the attack value from crimson wolf soul, which has nothing to do with these side effects, has to be nerfed?YoTeDoPo wrote:
The argument is lykans have a lot of secondaries effects, including a huge ammount of piercing hits, critical hits, bleeding, blackout, chance to hit more than one time with abilities, massive attack value with Crimson Wolf Aura, and they don't have stupid skills like Stealth, Feather Walk, Reflect and Attack Up.
Dont ruin lykan
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YoTeDoPo wrote:
jeroenado wrote:
YoTeDoPo wrote:
The argument is lykans have a lot of secondaries effects, including a huge ammount of piercing hits, critical hits, bleeding, blackout, chance to hit more than one time with abilities, massive attack value with Crimson Wolf Aura, and they don't have stupid skills like Stealth, Feather Walk, Reflect and Attack Up.
eliminate criticism, penetration and reduce somewhat the attack value of scarlet wolf soul (10%) and it was enough
sorry for those who used lican -
Please don't ruin lycan piercing and critic efects remove is enough already this caracter atack skills not so strong only has some space damage If you remove damage from crimson soul this caracter will ruin and everyone will quit lycan this is to much nerf remove critic and piercing efects from skills don't touch crimson soul or this caracter will be history soon
As someone said, lycan claws Has low damage wolf soul is the only reason this char exists. We invest money for excellent alchemy and int stuff like weapon skin excellent diax just for that 12int. We buy Full inventory with int. Does suras do that? They would Have close damage to lycan. Does warrior use str equipment to empower his buff? Use 12str weapon, lvl 90 earings with average dmg excellent ruby for 12 str skinweapon and check buff value. I so much hate those weak players crying bout lycan while they Has 0 claws and 0 lycans defense even from pet alchemy shield.... lycan does litterally no dmg if someone Has 50% claws and saphire and pet... nowadays its very popular to use more than 50% skills def... How is it fair to nerf likan in pvp when HES NOT EVEN BETTER THAN WARRIOR MENTAL OR NINJA DAGGER. Try full defense warrior vs lycan with claws shields and look who deals a lot more. And weapon sura with 1 skill make lycan useless. While dagger and mental doesnt give a f**k bout that.
Thats balanced? Gl. After that i would not make New char to be viable to contest in open pvp cuzlycan would be more useless than he is atm when EVERYONE Above 105 (open pvp isnt for those 75 Kids w.o claws defence ye ?) Has 50++ defense and pet saphire and u litterally are outdamaged by other physics class -
You not even tested it. You better rephrase your thought with screens/video that shows why the nerf is a bad idea.
Cykajevaniblyat wrote:
As someone said, lycan claws Has low damage wolf soul is the only reason this char exists. We invest money for excellent alchemy and int stuff like weapon skin excellent diax just for that 12int. We buy Full inventory with int. Does suras do that? They would Have close damage to lycan. Does warrior use str equipment to empower his buff? Use 12str weapon, lvl 90 earings with average dmg excellent ruby for 12 str skinweapon and check buff value. I so much hate those weak players crying bout lycan while they Has 0 claws and 0 lycans defense even from pet alchemy shield.... lycan does litterally no dmg if someone Has 50% claws and saphire and pet... nowadays its very popular to use more than 50% skills def... How is it fair to nerf likan in pvp when HES NOT EVEN BETTER THAN WARRIOR MENTAL OR NINJA DAGGER. Try full defense warrior vs lycan with claws shields and look who deals a lot more. And weapon sura with 1 skill make lycan useless. While dagger and mental doesnt give a f**k bout that.
Thats balanced? Gl. After that i would not make New char to be viable to contest in open pvp cuzlycan would be more useless than he is atm when EVERYONE Above 105 (open pvp isnt for those 75 Kids w.o claws defence ye ?) Has 50++ defense and pet saphire and u litterally are outdamaged by other physics class
daft? Maybefor you. Equip full str nad check body buff value or weapon sura with Full int. Its way more than 650.
Plus they take profit from dex and str to their skills nad hits. Lycan Has to spend points in to int and dex with str gives almost nothing to dmg compared to other physics classes. It means w.o wolf soul u are going to be most useless class. Even reduce dmg by 20% isnt fairremove crits and penetration and u should actually buff pvp damage to EVEN compare him to warrior mental :p
Btw try out body warrior with 150 str and stop crying if u use selfbuff w.o str its your choice. Same for suras -
I was afraid and now i can see i'm not wrong in beeing afraid...
Lycan nerfed a lot damage, 580 with 90 int to 379 and 921 with 144 int to 563
Piercing i can't see how many they nerfed it because actually all skills times and efects are just bug.
Crimson Wolf Soul now has 55 sec duration... With this nerfs you will need pull down from your mount doing metins and boss a lot of times... Is best doing it with no crimson soul.
What are you doing guys? it's a lot of damage and time nerfed... You need to review this skill, it need give at least 800 damage with 144 int... Time need at least 90 seconds duration... Do not do this to lycans.
When they correct the bugs, i will test differences between old damages and news with lycan... All i can say is... Lycan will no more do damage in pvm and pvp... -
okay its Time to sell lycan untill everyone will see this nerf. Ty for game. I would not spend single usd on this shit anymore
Wat is that ???
Warrior mental with 2hand Has biggest dmg on game since it was relased. What everyone does????? EQUIP DEFENCE AGAINST 2HANDED
lycan Has like 30%dmg less than warrior what does everyone insttead of making equipment with claws????? cry for nerf hahahahha
I quit cya
This game is over -
55 skil duration, 563 dmg... that's realy "small nerf". I understend that you remove piercing, and splash dmg but WHY you add splash to another classes ? Right now lycan is useless. Thx for balancing.
Guys just report feedback. It's called BETA because there is nothing official. So there still time to change things with CONSTRUCTIVE FEEDBACK.
i log whit my lican , hav 360 attack by Skill at Perfect Master... Useless Lykan .. If you want nerf lykan must left the cast by int and fix Crimson Wolf at 680 attack value like the other skill ... this nerf is ridiculous for all player who use lykan . I Can do nothing in pvm with lykan now.. and in pvp is the same... GO TEST ...GO TEST THIS USELESS LYKAN!!!è inutilizzabile il Lykan non mi va più di scrivere in inglese perché è ridicola questa beta. è un insulto a tutti i giocatori ceh hanno un lykan .. volevate ceh testavamo? ho testato questo orrore e posso confermare che è uno sbilanciamento una classe inutile in pvm in pvp .. totalmente inutilizzabile
The post was edited 2 times, last by LordBlack ().
Now lycan is the weakest class. It is supposed to be a balance ? Purpure weaker attack from body and wp. GOOOD GF !!! VERY VERY GOOD !!! Still these hits lycan.. Very NICE. GAME OVER.
Cry moar please. Mad that lycans are not op anymore huh?
The Nerf is hard ! Lykaner dealing in pve now absolute anti dmg
I think the nerf of skill dmg is fine but the wolfsoul nerf isn´t we need to get back the wolf into pve.
if the wolf get the aw buff back he is maybe playable in pvp too ?
i want to test that -
At present, lycan has to be eliminated is totally useless even in pvm
I thing something is wrong i heave 15 % arrow's 35 skil's defence and 10% ninja defence - archer make dmg about 15k.
I whit my wolf can make 10k. WHIT wolf soul. Dragon's Aid and blessing are not working at all, almost nothing works and we should test something ? HOW ? -
i think lycans have to make a bit more dmg than a warrior with aura...lycans are pretty squishy and hitting from the ground is very annoying (doesnt hit mobs behind and combo is useless)
Keep calm and they will fix everything, just report what's wrong in your opinion and what doesn't work.
In my opinion, 55 second cooldown for crimson is ridicoulous, and the attack value should be similar at warrior and sura. -
Lycan is ruined.Like we do not want to balance.Do not ruin our characters.Your labor and my money was garbage.Our state is the weakest character of the game.It is lycan cumbersome.It is meaningless to reduce the power of the rabbit.Please bring it back. Good games.
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