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    Calm - - Archive


    Increased damage from bosses

  • [Feedback]Bug fixing EN

    Calm - - Archive


    Quote from unforgiven: “ P.S. The way this item works changed in Beta, you should have better testing experience there. ” Did i miss the change log about changing this item ?! Please refer me to the thread if so; else { we really should be informed about this kinda stuff; }

  • Gamekiller "horse down" option

    Calm - - Archive


    Quote from Rapier: “In fact there IS such a bonus already (Resistance against "horse down" how you call it). It can be put on the new pendants ” Yup, i have 10% resistance and it's quite good actually i never fall from normal mobs, just bosses and it rarely happens.

  • Anti magical rezisence

    Calm - - Archive


    Yeah pretty much, sura will have his 50% back Further tests

  • Quote from Rapier: “ What I still don't get it is HOW it is working in PvP. Maybe I'm not a native English speaker and I couldn't properly understood, but the explanation was unclear. The wording used was: Quote: “Regarding the Talismans, These convert a bit of your damage in a Element. Example: Base Attack Damage: 5000 Attacker Fire Talisman: 5% Defender Fire Resist: 0% Final Damage: 5200 ” Now I'm confused. From what's written, looks like ANY talisman's "Strong against..." bonus works like a H…

  • Quote from RabbitRun: “So if one is wearing a 10% Pendant, and you have the corresponding defence, let's say 10%, the damage results the same, technically? ” If you mean that you have a +10% strong against and your opponent has 10% resistance to it. Then nope, mathematically speaking and using @'meh''s example Quote from meh: “Attacker: Fire Pendant +15%, Defender: 10% Fire Resistance (Hidden Content) ” your base dmg is 5000 and you had a 10% buff this will increase your dmg to 5500 [ 5000*0.1+5…

  • Quote from Rapier: “@xShiinoa what I said is that the BASE BONUS of the talisman works only in PvM. That is the bonus that increases with the item level. "Strong against daggers" is an added bonus, one of the NEW bonuses (like "Resistance to Half Human") and has fixed value, does not increase with item's level. What I said is that the talisman's level doesn't matter in PvP cause the PvP bonuses are not affected by the level. Regardless of it being +1 or +200 you will have the same "Strong agains…

  • Quote from Priore: “Thank you for the test. But how did it change from the live server? ” It used to be ( your magic resistance - anti_magic ) eg: you have 50% MR and you opponent has 50% AMR, the end result will be as if you had 0% against him (50 - 50 = 0). Now if you have 50% MR and you opponent has 50% it will knock down 50% of yours = 0.5 × 50% = 25% which leave you with 25% MR instead of 0% if you had 100% MR it wouldn't make a difference between now and before, the end result is 50% in bo…

  • The new Zodiac EQ (+9/+200, stats, etc.)

    Calm - - Archive


    Strong against fan and dagger ? what ? *Thanks for the info @zoNE.

  • Wo sind die IS-NPC´s?

    Calm - - Archive


    Quote from Comkra: “Huhu, uns ist mehr geholfen, wenn du mit deinen aktuellen Equipment den neuen Zodiak-Tempel erkundest. Bei den neuen Rüstungen ist uns wichtiger, dass man keine glitches hat, da die Funktion der Rüstung nichts neus ist. Gruß Comkra ” Nicht einmal Haustierfutter ?

  • Shaman balancing

    Calm - - Archive


    Quote from Attis85: “Why must it reduce the healer's skill attack? ” Because of this Video. Now on the topic; @unforgiven, I can clearly see that the developers has a vision regarding this balancing and I'm fully aware that they know stuff we just don't know yet or we're not meant to know ever about the game function But from what I can see with their premature changes makes me worry First with the unbelievable piercing hits and then with nerfing the lycan hard then buffing it's skill duration, …

  • Shaman dragon force vs healing force

    Calm - - Archive


    Quote from unforgiven: “Regarding Healing Shamans' damage. This will need to be addressed but most likely there won't be enough time to handle it till we need to deploy the update. ” You have all the time you want We've waited for a long time for this update, we would love to wait a bit more as long as we get a nice bug free balanced game at the end. That's " 77 class Res plus 108 MR with full skill resistance gear " we're talking about, anything more than 7k would be ridiculous, let alone 12k !

  • Quote from Th3Original: “PvP i can't say anything... ” Well, Quote from Calm: “So from what i can see, all who did "test" the difference came up with this conclusion: - The damage nerf is not bad at all. - The duration must be buffed to at least 100 sec. Sounds reasonable to me. The thing is all of them were just on pvm aspect, could anyone of you guys who're concerned about pvp test it for us ? I'd be glad to help if you needed a character with full claws defence. ” You could ask @unforgiven to…


    Calm - - Archive


    Quote from unforgiven: “It is a critical hit independently if it is normal melee hits or skill hits. As I already said in other topics, this is being discussed with WebZen. ” You might find this thread useful on your discussion with the Koreans.

  • Group Cure

    Calm - - Archive


    Quote from unforgiven: “ Edit: When you heal someone, the animation only shows up on the Healer and not on the character that is being healed but the receiver still gets healed. ” Well obviously we don't want that, invisible healing can't be good for anyone not from a graphical perspective nor gameplay kinda way. Shamans in general need a bit of tweaks and improvements regarding the animation of their skills In terms of skill range it really should be big enough to the point that we don't have t…

  • Quote from unforgiven: “The damage calculation has also been changed in PvP Instead of simply being 2x the damage, the weapon and weapon grade will influence the outcome of the critical hit (critical hit damage in PvP was reduced by 40-60%) ” We really need to know how exactly does this work since most of us have 90 to 105 weapons not less than +9 and still can't see the benefits of having critics It must be a bug because we should have at least +30% more damage on each critical hit, which we do…

  • Quote from Calm: “So from what i can see, all who did "test" the difference came up with this conclusion: - The damage nerf is not that bad. - The duration must be buffed to at least 100 sec. Sounds reasonable to me. The thing is all of them were just on pvm aspect, could anyone of you guys who're concerned about pvp test it for us ? I'd be glad to help if you needed a character with full claws defence. ” @jeroenado is it better like this ? [Sorry for my terrible mistake\]

  • So from what i can see, all who did "test" the difference came up with this conclusion: - The damage nerf is not bad at all. - The duration must be buffed to at least 100 sec. Sounds reasonable to me. The thing is all of them were just on pvm aspect, could anyone of you guys who're concerned about pvp test it for us ? I'd be glad to help if you needed a character with full claws defence.

  • Okay, it's not as bad as everybody thought it would be at all The duration though is a bit too short i guess, it would be better if it were between 90 to 150 seconds.

  • Dont ruin lykan

    Calm - - Archive


    Quote from jeroenado: “Quote from Calm: “It's the same, they just changed the duration here. Crimson wolf still gives +900 with +150 INT regardless of what the skill description says. ” that's not what we're talking about, can you please read carefully before reacting on that ” So you're saying that Lycan doesn't need any changing and it's not OP right now ? If so, there's no point on arguing with you.