There are some bonuses that can be added to the talismans.

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    • RabbitRun wrote:

      So if one is wearing a 10% Pendant, and you have the corresponding defence, let's say 10%, the damage results the same, technically?
      If you mean that you have a +10% strong against and your opponent has 10% resistance to it.
      Then nope, mathematically speaking and using @'meh''s example

      meh wrote:

      Attacker: Fire Pendant +15%, Defender: 10% Fire Resistance
      Display Spoiler
      Base Attack Damage: 5000
      Attacker: Fire Pendant: +15%
      Defender: Fire Resistance: 10%
      Final Damage: 5.175

      your base dmg is 5000 and you had a 10% buff this will increase your dmg to 5500 [ 5000*0.1+5000 ] and sense your opponent has 10% res to that it will take off 10% out of the new 5500* making it 4950 [ 5500-5500*0.1 ].

      but looking at this one

      meh wrote:

      Attacker: Fire Pendant +5%, Defender: 10% Fire Resistance
      Display Spoiler
      Base Attack Damage: 5000
      Attacker: Fire Pendant: +5%
      Defender: Fire Resistance: 10%
      Final Damage: 4.475

      The final damage should be 4725 according to the previous one [ (5000*0.05+5000)-(5250*0.1) ] which is odd.

      This really shouldn't be the case here cause it's just wrong, i'd really like @meh to explain further more.

    • Hello @Calm

      Actually you are completely right. I messed up the Calculation there. I will redo it tomorrow – thanks for the Hint :)
      if you need help with anything, don't hesitate to ask me.

      Alles was ich im Umfang einer Diskussion schreibe, stellt lediglich meine persönliche Meinung dar.
      Solltet ihr Probleme im Spiel haben oder Hilfe benötigen könnt ihr euch jederzeit an mich wenden!
    • So these calculations are applicable in pvm so if a mob has a lot of resistance to fire for example, by having this pendant, I could be striking for each hit less damage than without having equipped it. I ask this since it seems to me something important since perhaps in some cases it would be convenient to have the pendant equipped and other cases better not have it equipped.In the case of the test that I did with the pendant of darkness maybe those monsters that I was striking did not have much resistance to darkness and that is why I noticed a lot the increase of damage having equipped said accessory.
      JonyBelmont, Body Warrior lv112. Server: Nemesis.
    • Blesenth wrote:

      So these calculations are applicable in pvm so if a mob has a lot of resistance to fire for example, by having this pendant, I could be striking for each hit less damage than without having equipped it. I ask this since it seems to me something important since perhaps in some cases it would be convenient to have the pendant equipped and other cases better not have it equipped.In the case of the test that I did with the pendant of darkness maybe those monsters that I was striking did not have much resistance to darkness and that is why I noticed a lot the increase of damage having equipped said accessory.
      Not what was explained,I understood that if you have no pendant equipped you should deal the "base damage" even if the mob has 20000% resistance to that particular element. So if your base damage is 5,000 you deal 5,000 if you have no pendant. If you have the pendant equipped, then both the pendant supplemental attack value/percent AND the mob resistance is taken into consideration. So if you have darkness pendant equipped +10, you should have 5000 + 10% = 5,500 damage against the mob (if the mob has ZERO resistance) or, you should substract from 5,500 the damage reduction based on the resistance % (if mob has some resistance)

      If I'm wrong please someone correct me

      EDIT: You're saying what if you have +10% strong against darkness (for ex) and the mob has 20% darkness resistance? In that case, based on the calculation, you could inflict less damage than your "base damage", unless what was told till now it's wrong and the damage and resistance are calculated in a different way

      What I still don't get it is HOW it is working in PvP. Maybe I'm not a native English speaker and I couldn't properly understood, but the explanation was unclear. The wording used was:
      Regarding the Talismans,

      These convert a bit of your damage in a Element. Example:

      Base Attack Damage: 5000
      Attacker Fire Talisman: 5%
      Defender Fire Resist: 0%
      Final Damage: 5200
      Now I'm confused. From what's written, looks like ANY talisman's "Strong against..." bonus works like a Half Human bonus (if instead of dealing 5,000 damage we do 5200). And I presume it is not...or at least it should not. So if I equip ANY talisman +10, I will have a 10% "Strong against..." bonus that will be added to my base damage if the target has NO resistance to that element. And most players will have little or no resistance at all (only what's given by the alchemy).

      How is that in the end? Could someone clarify this please?

      The post was edited 4 times, last by Rapier ().

    • Rapier wrote:

      What I still don't get it is HOW it is working in PvP. Maybe I'm not a native English speaker and I couldn't properly understood, but the explanation was unclear. The wording used was:
      Regarding the Talismans,

      These convert a bit of your damage in a Element. Example:

      Base Attack Damage: 5000
      Attacker Fire Talisman: 5%
      Defender Fire Resist: 0%
      Final Damage: 5200
      Now I'm confused. From what's written, looks like ANY talisman's "Strong against..." bonus works like a Half Human bonus (if instead of dealing 5,000 damage we do 5200). And I presume it is not...or at least it should not. So if I equip ANY talisman +10, I will have a 10% "Strong against..." bonus that will be added to my base damage if the target has NO resistance to that element. And most players will have little or no resistance at all (only what's given by the alchemy).
      How is that in the end? Could someone clarify this please?
      how about:
      Attacker vs defender
      Attacker wearing a +x fire talisman; defender wearing a +x fire talisman and has a +x% fire res
      In this case all the calculation mentioned above will be taken into consideration ( The amount of buff to the base dmg & defender's fire resistance )

      Attacker wearing a +x fire talisman; defender wearing a +x wind talisman and has a +x% fire res
      In this case the amount of +x% the attacker has on his talisman will not affect the defender because it's strong against fire not wind* but the calculations regarding defender's fire resistance will be present and he will hit him a lot lower than he would without the fire talisman.

      Hope this explains it

      What's worth noticing here is even if you had +200 talisman (tripling your damage), a 70% resistance to it would be enough to cancel out that +200% and even lower it down so you're better off without a talisman most of the time

      But having +200 talisman and your opponent has 0% res ?, making your 10k dmg jump to 30k as long as your opponent has the same talisman as you.
      A well balanced implementation to the game.