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Search results 241-247 of 247.

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  • Piercing Hits

    YoTeDoPo - - Archive


    They are still OP and magical attacks cannot benefit from this because they can't be piercing hit.

  • Reflect improvement

    YoTeDoPo - - Archive


    Reflect is good reflecting physical normal hits (is not the best ability but is usable...), but is completely useless when you receive physical skill damage. I think it should reflect a percentage of physical skills (20--25% of the received damage at P with 140 INT) like warrior and lykan skills.

  • Healer's ''attack up'' ideas

    YoTeDoPo - - Archive


    Quote from Aworan: “To extend my suggestion from the beginning, here some more ideas how to redesign the skill, as it just doesn't cut it in its current state and a plain damage buff would be not that good as well: - Give Attack Up a higher bonus, like +250ATK/+150MATK and make it buff the whole group at once (for players in range of sight). But enable this buff only for a small amount of time, like 10-15 seconds, and keep a long cooldown (90s or so, with cooldown speed this means about 45-60s).…

  • Reverse this "Balance"

    YoTeDoPo - - Archive


    I have tested today the new changes, and the thing that I can say is that the game is completely unbalanced. Piercing hits are broken and I see most of people play using auto-attack because you hit more than 10k with a simple hit (you can easily kill someone with combo). The most harmed characters are magical (of course). Now my Shaman is useless, i'm bad at PvP and PvE, I hit more with a simple hit than an ability. The reason why I use Shaman is because I lilke the way they use to play, using r…

  • Piercing Hits

    YoTeDoPo - - Archive


    I'm using my Dragon Shaman and I hit more with a physical hit than abilities with full half-human, int, excellent diamond and magical lolly.

  • Balance in Weapon Damage

    YoTeDoPo - - Archive


    Shaman weapons have less damage than other weapons. For example, Lying Dragon Fan has 360-440 Magical Attack Value, and Dragon Tooth Blade has 399-461. I think that both weapons should have the same values, I don't understand why Sura weapons have more magic attack than shaman ones.

  • Healer's ''attack up'' ideas

    YoTeDoPo - - Archive


    I think the best idea is to increase de attack value to 100-150 and add aditional Magical Attack Value in the same ammount (100-150).