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  • Skill Changes

    unforgiven - - Archive


    Let's not forget that this is just the 1st iteration of the whole process. Currently, the spark skill cannot land critical strikes nor pierce defense. We might activate these if we notice the damage output from the Archer Ninja has been reduced by a lot.

  • Skill Changes

    unforgiven - - Archive


    Hello YoTeDoPo, Quote from YoTeDoPo: “I know the BETA is not open, but I think you should check the skills Reflect and Attack Up, they are useless. ” This update is just the first part of the whole balancing iteration, obviously we will not be able to tackle everything in one go. For now, these skills have not been touched but that doesn't mean that they won't be modified in the future. Quote from Brahma: “ce date sa pun ca sa pot intra aici: pus datele mele de logar…