Feedback on most skill that need improvement (positive/negative)

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    • Feedback on most skill that need improvement (positive/negative)

      So i have been playing for almost nine years. I have a lot of experience in the game so i will share my thoughts (thank god we get a beta like this and i can give this kind of feedback)

      I will give feedback only on skills in this thread.

      Healer shaman:
      Attack skills are good. Just a little bit weak but with a really low cooldown (, so imo it is ok, but i am not taking into account the AMR, because it will be reduced and we don't know yet the new percentage or how it will be calculated.
      Heal is good, swifteness is good (maybe too good). Attack Up is a problem. Imo it must be improved. Like make it give more attack value (like 100-200, it will help extremely shaman healers) or give it 20-25% attack value (but it will be super good for other players so it might be a little bit extreme). Or like what it gives now and about 10% attack value. I don't know exactly how it must be improved, but it needs improvement. Also i saw it in another post in here and yes it should also give magical attack value (i agree with this idea).

      Dragon shaman:
      Shooting dragon: Really easy to miss with a little bit of maneuver of the opponent (even from mobs and not players it is easy to miss) Maybe make it change directions towards the opponent and maybe give it a little bit more range (i mean make the dragon bigger not longer) so that it does not miss the opponent that easy.
      Other attack skills are good the way they are now.
      Reflect is good the way it is (about the percent) see here why i say so, but it is underated because it is effective only on normal hits. Bosses do mostly skills so it cannot be that useful on bosses, so it can give a bit of reflection (or chance to reflect) on skills also (like 10-15% on P without being affected from int). Other buff skills are good.

      Archery ninja:
      It is announced that Spark will get arrow resistance so it is good. Maybe give it a bit more range since it will be nerfed. Feather walk should give speed (as it is) but also range and maybe a little bit of stun (like 5-10%). That way it will be extra useful in wars (from a distance) and in pvp in close combat it will give the user the chance to stun the opponent and make the archer a little more elusive in the pvp. Repetitive shot should shoot the arrows faster because the archer is like a sitting duck when this skill is used. Other skills are good imo.

      Dagger ninja:
      Rolling dagger poison chance does not represent the actual poison chance of the skill. 6% ( on P) for 2-3 shots of the skill means 18% but the opponent will be poisoned like 70-80% (at the least) of the times. Either correct the skill percent on the description or lower the actual poison chance (and yes my main character is dagger ninja). Stealth is a skill that i dislike. The reason is that it cannot be used in pvp, only in war type of conditions where you can just go behind an unsuspecting opponent and ambush him. In pvp it's crap. It takes a long time to activate (yes in pvp being immobile for 1 second is a big amount of time). And if you are being hit the moment you use the Stealth you are like stuck because if you hit the opponent to push him back the Stealth is disabled. So a solution might be (don't know if it will be seen in a good or bad eye) to make the duration of the Stealth shorter but make it usable for all the duration and not being affected if u hit the opponet. Like being invisible for 15-20 seconds (on P) and hitting your opponent all the time. Of course you can be hit by your opponet with normal hits and skills that do not require a target, but from sword spin (etc) you cannot be hit. That way yes THE Stealth will be useful. Also Insidious Poison should be affected by half human bonus and other stuff, because in P (with my main char) it does 4k dmg at most (normal, not crit) but Fast Attack that has a steady dmg does 15-20k dmg. This should be corrected. Other skills are good.

      BM sura:

      Flame Strike should have a little chance of burn (like 10-15%). Also Dark Protection is a little bit TOO OP imo but i do not have that much experience with BM sura to say for sure. Other skills are ok i guess. Sorry for so little feedback on BM sura.

      Weaponary sura:

      Dispel should be limited to +-8 lvls from the user like poison and bleeding chance. Enchanted armor should give Magical defense in addition to normal Defense. Other skills are fine imo.

      Body warrior:

      Aura of sword should be used whenever you need it and not having to wait for the skill to recharge (yes i know the cooldown is 95 seconds but in some cases it is too long). Dash should not be limited by speed cap (200) and it should be like 100 (main) and 150 of the skill = 250 (plus every other bonuses that gives you speed). That way when someone uses Dash he will be far and then he will dashing you in the face (that will make the body warrios a little bit more dangerous in pvp and war etc)

      Mental warrior:

      Sprit Strike it TOO OP (in addition to the 8th skill). Maybe it should be a little bit nerfed. Sword Strike a too weak imo. Maybe improve the dmg of Sword Strikg and Stump.


      Crimson Wolf Soul is TOO OP. Reduce the attack value either from the main that is 585 or reduce the attack value from the additional value you get from int. I think that with every int you get about 6 attack value. Reduce the (about) 6 to 5/4 and that way the 1000+ attack value will be reduced to 800+. That is a lot more normal than what it is now. Shred can miss a character really easy if the game (by itself) decides to move him a little bit closer to the user when the skill is used. Wolf Pounce also misses a lot the opponet and imo it's dmg is a little weak compared to the others (and i think it is unfair since is misses a lot). Also something about the normal hits of the lycan. With combo Lycan hits behind his back so combo is not that useful for some cases.

      Well that took a lot of time (like 1 hour and 20 minutes, but i think that my ideas/opinions will finally be heard). Thank you for reaching the end of the post.
    • Greetings. I don't mean to be rude, you may have played for 9 years until now, but I guess you were never a big fan of archery.

      GaarasamaGreekServer wrote:

      Archery ninja:
      It is announced that Spark will get arrow resistance so it is good. Maybe give it a bit more range since it will be nerfed. Feather walk should give speed (as it is) but also range and maybe a little bit of stun (like 5-10%). That way it will be extra useful in wars (from a distance) and in pvp in close combat it will give the user the chance to stun the opponent and make the archer a little more elusive in the pvp. Repetitive shot should shoot the arrows faster because the archer is like a sitting duck when this skill is used. Other skills are good imo.

      ...What's actually good into making Spark an arrow-type attack? Archers have always been facing a hard time before the introduction of the Quiver and Spark, the latter being really useful AS IT WAS INTENDED from the beginning, since it kinda answered to the fact that Arrow Resistance is pretty easy to find in game: don't forget that arrow res. is ALSO available on free items, like leather boots and golden necklace.

      Yet, it was fun to use Spark in a PvE situation while wearing daggers/sword, throwing away the mobs.

      Not to mention the uselessness of Feather Walk. You proposed a considerable extra-damage bonus for shaman's Attack Up... and you come up with a ridicolous 5-10% stun on Feather Walk, when everyone is wearing defense against blackouts in GvG? Isn't this a bit unfair?

      Firstly, Feather walk should last LONGER, nobody talks about this, but its durability makes it completely USELESS. Secondly, it should give some REAL benefit to the player and possibly be somewhat related to the idea of fast movements.

      The things that come to my mind deal with avoiding physical and ranged hits (around 15% at P) or acting on a passive factor of damage reduction known as evasiveness, the one displayed in the character sheet.

      Don't forget that Arrow Shower is definitely poor as well, mainly because of its long cooldown time compared to the low damage. But I guess that every class has its own problems.
    • Agree with all i read here from BlueShade. I lvl up my archer alone same liek all PVM players adn it was really usefull in G2 spark and feather walk but that is for PVM there u can really see u move fast and with dwc u make at least one skill. Think that i never pay to someone to make me lvl up. Is pain is slow but is fun and i really love my archer working on him like 10 years. PVP is pain with limited speed and archer is targeted first of all other fighetrs. Range attack for warriors on pet is ridiculos btw so must be some magic. warrior with magic sword that skill u from 8m or more far. OR make u Dash skill before arrive to U. So Body have aura, Mental have strong body, suras have def. Archers must be fast and they can't be 'cose of speed limits. One skill less then other players. And for sure skill cast must be improve. Feather walk dont'give speed if u look your status is same for all u can't go over 200. all players with purple and bonus can arrive to 200 moving speed
    • BlueShade wrote:

      Greetings. I don't mean to be rude, you may have played for 9 years until now, but I guess you were never a big fan of archery.

      GaarasamaGreekServer wrote:

      Archery ninja:
      It is announced that Spark will get arrow resistance so it is good. Maybe give it a bit more range since it will be nerfed. Feather walk should give speed (as it is) but also range and maybe a little bit of stun (like 5-10%). That way it will be extra useful in wars (from a distance) and in pvp in close combat it will give the user the chance to stun the opponent and make the archer a little more elusive in the pvp. Repetitive shot should shoot the arrows faster because the archer is like a sitting duck when this skill is used. Other skills are good imo.
      ...What's actually good into making Spark an arrow-type attack? Archers have always been facing a hard time before the introduction of the Quiver and Spark, the latter being really useful AS IT WAS INTENDED from the beginning, since it kinda answered to the fact that Arrow Resistance is pretty easy to find in game: don't forget that arrow res. is ALSO available on free items, like leather boots and golden necklace.

      Yet, it was fun to use Spark in a PvE situation while wearing daggers/sword, throwing away the mobs.

      Not to mention the uselessness of Feather Walk. You proposed a considerable extra-damage bonus for shaman's Attack Up... and you come up with a ridicolous 5-10% stun on Feather Walk, when everyone is wearing defense against blackouts in GvG? Isn't this a bit unfair?

      Firstly, Feather walk should last LONGER, nobody talks about this, but its durability makes it completely USELESS. Secondly, it should give some REAL benefit to the player and possibly be somewhat related to the idea of fast movements.

      The things that come to my mind deal with avoiding physical and ranged hits (around 15% at P) or acting on a passive factor of damage reduction known as evasiveness, the one displayed in the character sheet.

      Don't forget that Arrow Shower is definitely poor as well, mainly because of its long cooldown time compared to the low damage. But I guess that every class has its own problems.
      Do not have any problem with Spark. Actually it makes pvp more interesting (i don't play with archer). But think that when an archer with P Spark +9 105 lvl bow and 360 attack from alchemy and every every every other thing does 20k normal skill, then that is a HUGE problem. Know what i mean ? :) What i was disappointed about was that they made spark usable only with a bow. That sucked. But the way the damage is calculated finds me (at least, because i like all players to be <<equal>>) positive (for the reason i said above). I suggested above to improve Feather walk to give the archer more range than he already has (even from the pet) AND also give a little bit of stun. Think that a ninja can attain 12% stun from 80 lvl helmet 8% from shoes 8% from necklace and 8% from bow. All in all 36% (i have 30% in my main char, no big deal) and the extra 5-10% can be calculated differently from the stun you have from the bonuses. I WANT the archer to be improved. But not to the point that it is unfair to the other players (meaning the 20k spark). What you said about evasiveness from Feather Walk finds me also positive and is something that i had not thought of, so good job pointing that out. But Spark should have been nerfed from the start because an archer can have a hell of a lot of attack value (and with all the extra skill damage etc etc etc) it does ridiculous damage. Arrow shower is indeed poor, i agree with you. In the first year it was like the Repetitive Shot. Is was hitting one target and not many and had lower cooldown (i think 8-12) and did more damage than repetitive shot. It was second to Fire Arrow's damage. I was disappointed about it's change but archer had 2 similar skills so one should change maybe.

      bagedi wrote:

      Agree with all i read here from BlueShade. I lvl up my archer alone same liek all PVM players adn it was really usefull in G2 spark and feather walk but that is for PVM there u can really see u move fast and with dwc u make at least one skill. Think that i never pay to someone to make me lvl up. Is pain is slow but is fun and i really love my archer working on him like 10 years. PVP is pain with limited speed and archer is targeted first of all other fighetrs. Range attack for warriors on pet is ridiculos btw so must be some magic. warrior with magic sword that skill u from 8m or more far. OR make u Dash skill before arrive to U. So Body have aura, Mental have strong body, suras have def. Archers must be fast and they can't be 'cose of speed limits. One skill less then other players. And for sure skill cast must be improve. Feather walk dont'give speed if u look your status is same for all u can't go over 200. all players with purple and bonus can arrive to 200 moving speed
      About speed cap i am positive with your thinking. I think that 200 speed cap is c*ap. But i have said so, so many times and everybody (in charge) says that it is as should be, a bunch of c*ap imo :).

      All in all i disagree with both of you about the Spark damage calculation. In everything else i am positive.
    • GaarasamaGreekServer wrote:


      Crimson Wolf Soul is TOO OP. Reduce the attack value either from the main that is 585 or reduce the attack value from the additional value you get from int. I think that with every int you get about 6 attack value. Reduce the (about) 6 to 5/4 and that way the 1000+ attack value will be reduced to 800+. That is a lot more normal than what it is now. Shred can miss a character really easy if the game (by itself) decides to move him a little bit closer to the user when the skill is used. Wolf Pounce also misses a lot the opponet and imo it's dmg is a little weak compared to the others (and i think it is unfair since is misses a lot). Also something about the normal hits of the lycan. With combo Lycan hits behind his back so combo is not that useful for some cases.
      Biggest problem is the "Chance of piercing Hits" what crimson wolf soul gives.

      90 INT = 34% Chance of piercing Hits
      169 INT = 60% Chance of piercing Hits

      60% is wayyyyyyy to much.....
      It should not scale with int.

      It should be a fix value from 15-25% not more.
    • GaarasamaGreekServer wrote:

      Mental warrior:

      Sprit Strike it TOO OP (in addition to the 8th skill). Maybe it should be a little bit nerfed. Sword Strike a too weak imo. Maybe improve the dmg of Sword Strikg and Stump.
      Hmm , im not agreeing with you here , Spirit Strike isnt OP at all , i've tested and overall this does less dmg than non-crit Shred , and also a big part of it is that can be easly dodged , the 6-th skill and other abilities as you said are too weak , i agree , the strong point about the Mental was ( of course b4 all the shenanigans were added ) his Strong Body which is now useless , these piercing attacks from Lycan ,Body W , Sura and even Ninja are too OP and that ability doesnt help at all in PVP nowadays . On the other hand thats exactly the case in PVE as well , low dmg per hit , and without body block and evading arrows chance he's totally useless in that chapter too. Overall , I think that Mental Warrior in his actual form and stage of game has fallen behind too much .
    • VoidKrator wrote:

      GaarasamaGreekServer wrote:

      Mental warrior:

      Sprit Strike it TOO OP (in addition to the 8th skill). Maybe it should be a little bit nerfed. Sword Strike a too weak imo. Maybe improve the dmg of Sword Strikg and Stump.
      Hmm , im not agreeing with you here , Spirit Strike isnt OP at all , i've tested and overall this does less dmg than non-crit Shred , and also a big part of it is that can be easly dodged , the 6-th skill and other abilities as you said are too weak , i agree , the strong point about the Mental was ( of course b4 all the shenanigans were added ) his Strong Body which is now useless , these piercing attacks from Lycan ,Body W , Sura and even Ninja are too OP and that ability doesnt help at all in PVP nowadays . On the other hand thats exactly the case in PVE as well , low dmg per hit , and without body block and evading arrows chance he's totally useless in that chapter too. Overall , I think that Mental Warrior in his actual form and stage of game has fallen behind too much .
      Maybe you have not been hit with Spirit Strike when someone has Excellent Ruby and Diamond with the right bonuses without 8th skill P and also without Sapphire with strong against your class while you have 60% sword def and shield of course with Brilliant Diamond and you get from the other skills max 5-6k and with the Spirit Strike 10-11k (as i said without 8th skill P)
    • GaarasamaGreekServer wrote:

      VoidKrator wrote:

      GaarasamaGreekServer wrote:

      Mental warrior:

      Sprit Strike it TOO OP (in addition to the 8th skill). Maybe it should be a little bit nerfed. Sword Strike a too weak imo. Maybe improve the dmg of Sword Strikg and Stump.
      Hmm , im not agreeing with you here , Spirit Strike isnt OP at all , i've tested and overall this does less dmg than non-crit Shred , and also a big part of it is that can be easly dodged , the 6-th skill and other abilities as you said are too weak , i agree , the strong point about the Mental was ( of course b4 all the shenanigans were added ) his Strong Body which is now useless , these piercing attacks from Lycan ,Body W , Sura and even Ninja are too OP and that ability doesnt help at all in PVP nowadays . On the other hand thats exactly the case in PVE as well , low dmg per hit , and without body block and evading arrows chance he's totally useless in that chapter too. Overall , I think that Mental Warrior in his actual form and stage of game has fallen behind too much .
      Maybe you have not been hit with Spirit Strike when someone has Excellent Ruby and Diamond with the right bonuses without 8th skill P and also without Sapphire with strong against your class while you have 60% sword def and shield of course with Brilliant Diamond and you get from the other skills max 5-6k and with the Spirit Strike 10-11k (as i said without 8th skill P)
      Yes I have been through alot of metin experience since i have a 105 mental warrior and was my choice not to make himlv 120 , on my server ive been hit with Spirit Strikes from alot of 120 players who dealt max 5k and i had 60 2 hands Matt diamond , and Falcon Shield , yes they had Solar Blade +9 , i dont know their alchemy but even tho ur description of 5-6k dmg on other skills with those def on you its way too far fetched, lets say that u somehow with all u said u have on you, did get 10-11k , thats for sure with crit strike .And with these new piercing hits there's no way a skill based race like Mental Warrior ( whose most valuable skill can be dodge , as u forgot to mention) could keep up with lycan , sura , Body warrior , or even ninja .