Buffs changes

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    • Buffs changes

      I think is a stupid idea increase the cooldown of the buffs. Is beter 10seconds cooldown and give the buffs 1 person each time than 180seconds cooldown and give th buff to all the party. This update only makes Shamans more and more useless:
      -Critics are now useless (and Dragon's Strenght gives whitouth the update 48,7% with 132 INT and only 25,4% eith 132INT and 90 DEX with the new update= 4,4% critics...)
      -Reflect is not very useful
      -Attack Up is useless
      -Swiftness is not very useful in general and the cooldown is so high
      -Blessing has reduced its % due to the new formula (133 INT now gives 48,7%, and 133INT+90DEX with the update gives 45%.
      -NOT ALL Shamans likes to be only a buffer. I want to be able to play alone, and sometimes I can be dispelled or I can death and I need that 10 seconds cooldown, I need 48% critics because my Dragon Shaman Skills damage is low compared to other classes (I would never hit 100k like a Warrior, Sura, Ninja, Lykan, the maximun I hit in the beta with all the items you gave was 30k with Dragon's Roar and critic...)
      -Remove the new formula based on DEX and INT: buffs should work with INT and only with INT (including "Attack Up" and "Switness")

      PD: I don't know why you insist in changing the things that works correcly like the buffs or removing the intelligence bonus from MAGICAL CHARACTERS abilites(edit).

      The post was edited 1 time, last by YoTeDoPo ().

    • unforgiven wrote:

      One small note, there is a small bonus that Shamans get when they buff themselves, it is not the same as what is displayed. For my critical chance it was around 2% extra.
      And do you think 6,5% critical hit chance for a Perfect Master ability is useful? Is a stupid waste of Soul Stones and books which is translated on 6,5% more of damage (65/1000 hits will be critical, so finally is 6,5% of damage).
    • NOT ALL Shamans likes to be only a buffer. I want to be able to play alone, and sometimes I can be dispelled or I can death and I need that 10 seconds cooldown, I need 48% critics because my Dragon Shaman Skills damage is low compared to other classes (I would never hit 100k like a Warrior, Sura, Ninja, Lykan, the maximun I hit in the beta with all the items you gave was 30k with Dragon's Roar and critic...

      This changes will make ussless mi pj. it will be impossible to break a metin with 6.5 critical. The best skill of dragon shaman is practically reduced to something useless.

      It is as if they lowered the sword aura to only +50 damage.

      PD 2%? Its a joke right?

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Marce23 ().

    • unforgiven wrote:

      One small note, there is a small bonus that Shamans get when they buff themselves, it is not the same as what is displayed. For my critical chance it was around 2% extra.
      IMHO this is very few. Just 2%?
      Why don't we nerf Aura of Swords or Enchanted blade or strong body or cure as well?

      Nerfing the main skill of a character leads it to his death in pvp. I hope that it will seem much less an horrible choice by testing it in the beta server.
    • I share your complaint about buff's cooldown in general (not only dragon but also heal).
      I prefer buff one by one fastly rather than have skills that buffs everyone, but with a long cooldown, because that means that if someone dies or don't reach buffs for every reason, he will stay a long time without buffs.

      Maybe the better idea is give the possibility to buff everyone, but with a little cooldown.
      I think that everyone appreciate this way.
    • Erandur wrote:

      i fear about the function to buff someone who isn't in your group, it sounds like it will work as the same as indigo wolf soul...
      That is also a thing that I don't like that much.

      For example: If you play/have a shaman lvl 100+ but want to play a new character, then you can actually buff your new char and benefit from your skills.
      But if it works only in groups you can't buff someone under lv 70.