Alchemy - What has been changed ?

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    • New alchemy destroy the game, there were better options.. please reconsider this madness

      they have destroyed the equipment of the people, seriously do you think that now people will recreate alchemy of the new class? so that later they return to take another class? When you try to fix a problem, you fix the problem, you do not put a patch waiting for the water to come out again, and I say this because you have not solved the problem of continuing to create alchemy of maximum unusable class

      They could have put an item of itemshoop even though it was expensive to allow the alchemy to reset the bonuses and they would have provided many benefits without destroy the game, also fixed the problem that there are some alquis that are ugly and you have to remain in the inventory, this way they will continue to leave ugly exc, but now twice as expensive

      After more than 10 years in this game today you have crossed a limit that I will not tolerate, and I hope you are able to rectify this madness because my community is on fire, I have never seen so many people determined to leave the game if this is underway, i include myself

      You said in the interviews that you had learned from the mistakes of the past that caused so many players to leave the game, I see that you have not learned anything
    • There's a lot of solutions but gameforge wants to increase it's income :) .
      My opinion is to use two excellent alchemy into a new one with a random outcome as the normal evolution.
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    • Hello guys. I am playing on the Romanian server.
      Here are some of my thoughts about the planified updates:

      With the introduction of the mythic alchemy and the changes to shards, making them untradable, the market will go crazy. The prices for antique alchemy will be... HUGE. Like.. what will the Antique Ruby cost? 5 Won?
      Alchemy is perfect as it is now. You could like introduce an Item in ItemShop or which can be obtained from boss runs/drops that can change bonuses on Excellent Alchemy with an x% chance to get better/weaker bonuses.
    • SkyRiM wrote:

      There's a lot of solutions but gameforge wants to increase it's income :) .
      My opinion is to use two excellent alchemy into a new one with a random outcome as the normal evolution.
      it's the same thing i said in other post, and for me gf doing in this way, can increase it's income better than doing the mythic alchemy how the legendary alchemy,because the player must invest first in the excellent leggendary stone and then in the mytic...

      Sorry for my bad english :)
    • SkyRiM wrote:

      There's a lot of solutions but gameforge wants to increase it's income :) .
      My opinion is to use two excellent alchemy into a new one with a random outcome as the normal evolution.
      Yes but with tis it will brake the actual system when you combine rare or antique ones regardless the clarity class and optain a higher one or the same rare or antique but a matt one not directly an brilliant or excelent
    • Contra la cioburi!!

      Eu joc pe server romanesc si sunt total contra la negocierea cioburilor !
      Cand imi mai prelungesc eu alchimia daca fac doar 3 coruri pe zi? Cand mai dau plus in alchimie nu se poate asa
      Un mare contra !!!

      Un mare contra si in aparari care apartin de fulger/vant/foc etc!!!

      Nu se poate asa ceva!!!Nu e o chestie placuta de nimeni!Nici 10% din playeri nu sunt pro la aceste modificari!!!
    • It seems that this version of the game and all its changes were thought by people who want metin2 to be closed.

      -elemental resistances: It is a mockery to all the people who invested their money, time and effort in improving their equipment so that now they become almost useless, for example in the meley it will be impossible to use polymorphic balls without dying every minute, in my case for example spend a lot to put 1.5k hp 50 attack and 15 fire resistance to my armor level 115, although it is true that you would have to make some changes so that it would not stand in places of level 95 or more with level equipment 1, it is not justified that they restrict and disable the pvm in such a way. I wonder what will be the fate of the players who invested so much to be able to run different dungeons and now they will not have any way of winning yang? I do not think they will invest their money again to redo their equipment. HAVING AS EXPERIENCE WHAT HAPPENED WITH THE ELEMENTAL RESISTANCES, these people will feel confused, uncertain and disappointed and their only way will be to leave the game. Keep in mind that the mirror sura is not the only race that makes pvm.

      -Alquimia and fragments of stone dragon: This had become one of the main ways to earn yang, now that players will think that they were dedicated to this when they can not do their cordraconis quietly or trade their fragments? I can assure you that most of these people will end up leaving the game, besides nothing will be worth investing in thief's glove or inventory keys, etc ... ALSO RECHARGE THE TIME OF THE ALCHEMIES WILL BE A HEADACHE

    • I'm starting to think those who come with these updates have never played metin2. Did not learn anything from previous updates? Perhaps 90% of the players have opaque alchemy. And now you get one harder to get ?? Let's just say you're playing the game. Call people on the beta server, but nothing can be tested because you can not buy alchemy. Did the server not be opened at least a day before and be tested that everything is OK? Gameplay .... With this update there is a nail in METIN2 coffin. Only 2 things should be done to repopulate the game. 1 you work on game protection. 2 PUT UP NEW CHARACTERS but keep your current defenses. For example, you can pack a NECROMANCER and MAGIC defense. Put COWBOY and defense ARROW. etc .... STOP WITH THIS NONSENS UPDATE
    • MadaZEU wrote:

      Eu joc pe server romanesc si sunt total contra la negocierea cioburilor !
      Cand imi mai prelungesc eu alchimia daca fac doar 3 coruri pe zi? Cand mai dau plus in alchimie nu se poate asa
      Un mare contra !!!

      Un mare contra si in aparari care apartin de fulger/vant/foc etc!!!

      Nu se poate asa ceva!!!Nu e o chestie placuta de nimeni!Nici 10% din playeri nu sunt pro la aceste modificari!!!


      can you please translate your feedback in english please :)
      Thank you :)
      if you need help with anything, don't hesitate to ask me.

      Solltet ihr Probleme im Spiel haben oder Hilfe benötigen könnt ihr euch jederzeit an mich wenden!
    • Against alchemy

      joc pe serverul românesc și mă opun în totalitate negocierii cioburilor!
      Cand imi prelungesc alchimia daca fac doar 3 coruri pe zi? Când adaug mai mult la alchimie, nu pot fi
      un contra mare!

      Un contor mare și în apărare care aparțin fulgerului / vântului / incendiului etc.

      Nu se poate asa ceva !!! Nu este frumos pentru nimeni! Nici 10% dintre jucători sunt pro în aceste schimbări !!!
    • Feedback update 18.4

      I have played this game since day one on the italian servers, throughout these years of game I have always feared every single update like many others ( wonder why?)
      The updates you idealize have always pushed players to spend more IN ORDER TO IMPROVE OR UPGRADE THEIR ABILITIES WITHIN THE GAME, its rarely been about making the game experience better ( just think about the graphics etc).
      Just to mention an example the introduction of Lycan, the new pieces of equipment( helmets and weapons, armors ) and now you also want to put your hands on the most important thing on the game ! The alchemy! The hardest, most expensive and most effort taking aspect of the game ( and you are aware of this, better than us).
      What I am wondering now after all of these changes, all of these updates and all of the money spent, how many people do you think ( honestly ) will be willing to change their sets of alchemy after this update ?
      Everything has a limit and you are crossing it right now! Please take a step back!
      Yes to enhancements within the game no to life changing updates for us!

    • Feedback 18.4

      Its unbelievable how you guys think only and exclusively about your profit and don't see things from the player's perspective!
      People have spent so much time and so much money to have what they have now!
      In 2018 changing something so sofisticated like the alchemy is and idea that only people with no brain will have!
      We are tired of these steps back and of this game experience changing updates... its not hard to comprehend folks!
    • hugoW wrote:

      Rocket wrote:

      Mythic Alchemy
      The mythic alchemy system has been added to the game. It will give you the opportunity to further upgrade your alchemy and improve your character. The new system is coming with a new row of legendary dragon stones which can be crafted by combining 2 normal legendary stones into a new mythic legendary stone. To make it easier for players and to give a use to not so useful excellent dragon Stones, you will be able to combine legendary dragon stones from any Clarity. Meaning you will be able to combine 1 legendary matt and 1 legendary excellent dragon stone into a new legendary mythic stone.
      Stop taking something that is already a feature in the actual system to justify the implementation of this new class.
      It was always possible to combine stones with diferent Clarity inside the same Class to improve to the next one.. it was just not viable to upgrade clarity any lower than legendary.
      Now that will be implemented a new class, it is only logical that should be possible to combine diferent Clarity stones inside the legendary Class as it is the lower class previous to the Mythic just like the others.

      So taking the problem of the unuseful Excelent Legendary stones, and try making it a point in favour to be "easier" for players when it's just a system expansion its not a good point.

      What is the real need for this Class expansion?

      The Mythic Excelent Stones will suffer from the same problem as the Legendary Excelents if it has no good bonus it will gain dust on the inventory?
      Or will be possible to refine again with another from the same excelent Clarity?

      If not the problem isn't solved, it was just added another layer to it that slows it down and exponencialy increase the revenue.

      This new class just double the need for matt stones and the time to make perfect stones, almost back to those astronomical numbers in the first time the system was implemented.
      Altho im not against it, the problem is the system is going beyond reach for many many players, if it makes untradable... the hell with it.
      Let’s be honest... just by making the shards unreadable there will be no more alchemy on the market because most people will use the 3 cors/day to recharge their alchemy.
    • FEED - Update 18.4

      first of all I'm not at all agree with the new class of alchemy, 2 years I play hard to achieve the brilliant alchemy and now it will be outclassed??? the only interesting thing is the graphic options but all the rest is very damaging for the game. I can speak for all the players who plays in pvp and pvm mode...if this update will be real,with alchemy news (like mystic alchemy) we ll leave the game soon. We have play hard for many years...this is totally offensive
    • RabbitRun wrote:

      Guys... The only thing that's changed is Strong against Fire/Wind etcccc the same as talismans.

      Many of us upgraded talismans. Have you tested the difference between +1 and +2? Exactly, that is nearly nothing. Do you really think +12 (idk about DSS effect) is going to ruin everything?

      The only thing that ruin alch is making Shards non-tradeable. I highly agreed that this should stay tradeable. It's somewhat the only income/improvement of small countries.

      Let's await for the fix to buy Alch from shops and start testing, so we know the difference :)
      I will take back my words. After I've seen this Ruby stone (without Dragon Soul Set), I cannot imagine the pain players feel with full perfect legendaries.
      • Ruby.jpg

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