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  • Shaman balancing

    Theplayer - - Archive


    Quote from YoTeDoPo: “Quote from unforgiven: “Critical Hit - The damage calculation has also been changed in PvP - Instead of simply being 2x the damage, the weapon and weapon grade will influence the outcome of the critical hit (critical hit damage in PvP was reduced by 40-60%) ” Why do you say the damage is reduced by 40-60%? In my case the reduction is more than 90%. Check it, is ridicolous. ” +1

  • Feedback On Lykan Nerf

    Theplayer - - Archive


    surely the 92 seconds of duration with the waste of time due to int item switch is fair right?

  • Feedback On Lykan Nerf

    Theplayer - - Archive


    its just claws defence absence. they disequilibrated the game by creating the lican because obviously good items with claws defence are not so many. by the time they created it and there are people who invested a lot of their hard worked money, they should have thought about this problem at the very beginning. now their minds can't produce a better idea than ruin our work. this is called incompetence.

  • Feedback On Lykan Nerf

    Theplayer - - Archive


    Quote from CantBuffU: “Quote from Theplayer: “@unforgiven 18% piercing hits and 20% critical hits (now nerfed in pvp) are great self buff of lycan class? come on please, so what about other classes? the truth is u are destroying a class and losing players, don't know what's going on with your minds. ” It's funny u mentioning 20% critical when dragon shaman lost +52%, our main strength in pvp. ” im from your part too, i totally hate the shaman nerf.

  • Feedback On Lykan Nerf

    Theplayer - - Archive


    @unforgiven 18% piercing hits and 20% critical hits (now nerfed in pvp) are great self buff of lycan class? come on please, so what about other classes? the truth is u are destroying a class and losing players, don't know what's going on with your minds.

  • Feedback On Lykan Nerf

    Theplayer - - Archive


    what was your feeling with the 92 seconds?

  • Dont ruin lykan

    Theplayer - - Archive


    92 seconds is not fair.

  • Dont ruin lykan

    Theplayer - - Archive


    @unforgiven try to let them hear our voice at the right volume.

  • Feedback On Lykan Nerf

    Theplayer - - Archive


    Quote from GamePriv: “I have 104 lvl likan and hawks 48 medium +9. I can not even triumph with Boss and Metin such with alchemy. Purple is far too weak. ” this is a shame for us lycan players, you need to listen to us, we are your customers.

  • Dont ruin lykan

    Theplayer - - Archive


    people who have really invested in lycans, have really done it. we spent for the actual charachter, the lycan as it is now. you can't take it away like this. its like i buy something and then someone come and says: "no man this is too much, we need to get back what we gave you". but i paid the whole price. even if i agree with a slight nerf, this is not acceptable. i paid for what i have now, not for a destroyed class as u are thinking.

  • Lycan Characters Shoots Very Low

    Theplayer - - Archive


    Quote from Olthir: “However reading other comments, the reduction is not so bad as you expected. ” tell me where the hell u seen players who agree with this criminal reduction, u gf stolen our money.

  • Dont ruin lykan

    Theplayer - - Archive


    we also need to discuss how they are gonna change it.

  • Dont ruin lykan

    Theplayer - - Archive


    we have an entire status which is int, just to power up the crimson. body warriors can full vit strong and dex taking the 100% advantage of these three status. we have 12 pages of negative feedbacks about the change u thought for lycan. let's think we have a restaurant and our customuers leave 12 pages of negative feebacks, what would u do?

  • Dont ruin lykan

    Theplayer - - Archive


    Quote from meh: “I knew that Crimson is bugged at the Moment, since I’ve reported it earlier this morning. I was telling you Guys that you’re able to reach more than the claimed 360 AV if you use INT Equipment. Furthermore stating that Lycan's are "ruined" now or that they're "useless" "unplayable" yada yada is not a Argument or a Fact, it's just not true. ” man u need to tell the truth, u can't speak by giving as example an incredible int set (3 int on a 25% shoulder bash, armour skin, excellen…

  • Dont ruin lykan

    Theplayer - - Archive


    Quote from meh: “@Th3Original you keep reffering to "Reducing where it's not needed" of course a Damage Reduction is needed. That's what Players (including me) have been complaining about the past 4 Years. So taking some Damage away from the Game is a good Step in the right Direction. Nobody said that it's gonna finish with that. A Balancing is an ongoing Process, you can't expect a good Balancing in 1 single Update. But somethings has to be first in Line, and at the Moment that's the Lycan. @je…

  • Dont ruin lykan

    Theplayer - - Archive


    im a level 106 lycan on italian server. I get 929 on the italian server and 567 on the beta. U meh are talking about 657, u have an absolutely heavy amount of int that even an over average player cant get. If u are talking about a 10% nerf (41k to 37,5) i say it is ok. The duration, as u said, its absolutely unacceptable. I find the actual comfortable, whats the balance if u decrease a skill duration? The great lycan damage is due in most part to the absence of claw defence in the opponent. It i…

  • Feedback On Lykan Nerf

    Theplayer - - Archive


    if we had a fixed crimson wolf value of 800 with 90 status point and no possibility to increase it with 12 int items it would be very nice. put and remove 12 int items every time is extremely boring. remember body warriors have an average damage bonus due to aura sword and suras have hp absorption on enchanted blade, so even 850 would be nice for lycans with a reduction of piercing hits to 35-40%. remember also on the ground we are so much weaker than warriors and suras, this influences both pvp…

  • Shaman dolls? Dragon's Aid?

    Theplayer - - Archive


    perfectly agree.

  • Dont ruin lykan

    Theplayer - - Archive


    exactely the high damage is a question of no claws defence. As we see the maximal damages are similar with some of the other classes. I agree with a slight reduction of the lycan power, but not with what i see now. It is also a question of respect.

  • Shaman dolls? Dragon's Aid?

    Theplayer - - Archive


    i think as they are now in the beta server, poor dragon shaman are totally useless. I can't find a reason why a player should create and grow up a dragon shaman. 27% critics against 50%? Reflect and blessing also reduced. You are working at a new update to make things worse?